Study Shows Link Between Air Pollution and Belly Fat

A recent study performed at Ohio State University has shown a correlation between air pollution and increased abdominal fat.

Mice exposed to air pollution similar to that of big cities showed visible gains in body fat, both abdominal and visceral, around the organs, in only 10 weeks time. They also exhibited higher incidences of insulin resistance and higher blood sugar levels, the first steps toward Type II Diabetes.

This occurred as a result of the toxins and tiny particulate matter being inhaled and irritating the lungs. This results in an immune response sending our bodies into overdrive. This also increases the inflammation level exponentially.

These two factors combined result in higher levels of obesity, sickness, hormonal imbalance, and hypertension. Pollution and the resulting health risks that are associated with it increase exponentially as pollution concentration increases, putting those living in cities with higher population density at maximum risk.

This is then compounded if you or someone around you is a smoker. Second hand smoke has no filter so the risks — for children especially — increase even more. When “environmental hormones” are inhaled through air pollution, they actually mimic the effects of the body’s natural hormones so any system in the body that is controlled by hormones can be derailed.

When we become unbalanced, it can disrupt a number of important biological processes. These compounds are also fat-soluble, so it is likely that they are accumulating from the environment in not only our own fat cells, but the fatty cells of the animals we eat, too.

This is yet another example of how the more we deviate from our natural world, the greater the impact on our health. To address these issues we provide extensive hormone testing, detoxification programs designed to help rid fat cells of these dangerous toxins, and provide a plan to reach optimal hormone levels and an increased quality of life.