Medical Weight Loss: Lose 20 Pounds in a Month Diet Plan

Lose 20 Pounds in a Month Diet Plan

Looking to lose 20lbs in 30 days? Tampa Rejuvenation has the solution:

Lose 20 pounds in a month diet plan! This plan is very simple: you don’t have to go it alone when it comes to working out and losing weight. With trained professionals, you can be sure you can lose the weight you one in the healthiest way possible.

We breakdown the weight loss programs and what you can expect from what we offer here at Tampa Rejuvenation below:

  • Constant Support;
  • No Hunger;
  • Exercise Optional;
  • Free consultation and introduction to our medically supervised weight loss program.

Let Tampa Rejuvenation get you to your goal!

Results may vary by individual, so consult your doctor today and see if this is right for you!