Food Allergies and Food Sensitives: What’s the Difference?

As we all know, food is vital for our survival. However, not all foods are nourishing for our bodies the way we assume they will be.

And that’s especially true when it comes to weight loss.

Often, we recognize the health problems associated with consuming too many fatty foods and with excess sugar consumption. But even healthy foods can lead to a lifetime of internal imbalances for people with food allergies or sensitivities.

Fortunately, we now live in an age where we can undergo Food Allergy testing. Because that helps us to pinpoint what those hidden allergies or sensitivities may be that are preventing optimal health.

First, to be clear, food allergies and food sensitivities are not the same. A food allergy is a potentially dangerous immune response after certain foods are consumed.

And the most common food allergies are wheat, corn, soy, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, shell fish and eggs.

Therefore, to accompany those allergies, there’s an extensive list of symptoms that could potentially occur each time the food is consumed. And that can include hives, nausea, diarrhea, or even anaphylaxis in more serious cases.

What is a food intolerance?

Food intolerance is also known as non-IgE mediated food hypersensitivity or non-allergic food hypersensitivity. It refers to difficulty digesting certain foods, which can ultimately cause internal inflammation.

Because this results in the body’s inability to digest, absorb or utilize nutrients effectively. And that impacts metabolism, weight and energy production.

Most importantly, the symptoms associated with food intolerance typically take longer to appear compared to food allergies. And that’s why most individuals struggle with determining a cause for their discomfort.

As a result, there’s no certain way to tell if a person has a food allergy or sensitivity. What’s needed is proper testing.

Most of all, food intolerances can present themselves as numerous symptoms. That’s why there are a number of tests, such as:

* IgG Food antibodies
* IgG Vegetarian assessment
* IgG Spices
* IgE Inhalants
* IgE Molds
* Celiac and Gluten Sensitivities
* Allergix Bloodspot IgG4 Food Antibodies
* Allergix Celiac Profile.

In conclusion, if you feel like you’ve reached a plateau within your weight loss journey and have not looked into Food Allergy testing yet, this may be the best next step for you.