Exosomes Therapy
The Next Generation of Stem Cell Therapy for Aesthetics, Sexual Health, and More!
What if we could turn back the hands of time without surgery or invasive techniques? Also, what if we could accomplish this using substances that are natural to the body? Actually, thanks to modern technology and exosomes therapy, we can!
Exosomes therapy is ushering in the next generation of stem cell therapy. Using exosomes, we are reversing the natural aging process and achieving:
- Rejuvenating the skin
- Restoring hair growth
- Improving sexual health
- Reversing erectile dysfunction
- Improving cardiovascular function
You don’t have to go through life dealing with these issues. Tampa Rejuvenation is helping hundreds of patients improve or reverse their symptoms completely. Furthermore, exosome therapy does not require any complicated surgeries or long recovery periods.
What are Exosomes?
Exosomes are vesicles, which are structures within a cell carrying fluid and genetic material that are abounding within your plasma. Recent research displays that exosomes play a major role in communicating with other cells. Additionally, many of the studies show that exosomes are playing a part in regenerating tissues. Hence, exosomes are providing with a method of bringing dead or decaying tissues back to life - resulting in youthful appearance and function. Stem cells secrete exosomes towards target cells. Target cells are cells containing receptors for the information that exosomes carry. Ultimately, think of target cells and exosomes as a lock and key mechanism. Hence, exosomes are they keys binding to target cells and unlocking your rejuvenation. Truthfully, restoring tissues requires a careful balance of sending the correct messages at the correct time. Exosomes carry ‘messenger RNA’ which is genetic material forcing cells into creating proteins for use by the stem cells. Also, stem cells have a fascinating ability to survey their environment and respond accordingly. As a result, harvesting these exosomes and using them to treat our patients at Tampa Rejuvenation is yielding impressive results.
Exosomes Therapy and Hair Restoration
While it is a natural process, hair loss leads to changes in one’s appearance and a potential loss of confidence. For many, it causes them to change how they view themselves. As a result, while Vin Diesel and Bruce Willis can pull it off just fine, we’re not all so lucky!
Until recent times, we faced choosing from several treatment methods – none of them working very well. There were hair plugs – resulting in an unnatural look. Also, you had Rogaine which acts as a mildly effective treatment. Furthermore, there were certain medications with harsh side effects. Ultimately, combating hair loss was a tough situation.
Finally, there is a cure and it’s available today. Exosomes are playing a major role in combating hair loss. The American Hair Loss Association states that two-thirds of American men are facing some degree of hair loss by the time they turn 35. Additionally, by the time American men are reaching the age of 50, 85% of them are facing noticeably thinning hair.
Hair loss is not specific to only men, though. The AHLA states that 40% of hair loss patients are women. Fortunately, exosomes are helping in turning this around.
As previously mentioned, exosomes are capable of rejuvenating hair follicles and triggering the growth of new hair follicle cells. As a result, we’re seeing the restoration of our patient’s hairlines, thicker hair, and a younger appearance overall. Anyone benefits from exosomes therapy, and there’s no recovery time required for it. Furthermore, you may experience mild discomfort during the treatment – but it subsides very quickly.
Exosomes Therapy Improving Sexual Health and Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction creates potentially embarrassing situations. Also, many relationships experience conflict over the effects of this condition. While certain medications exist to combat ED, some carry dangerous side effects preventing patients from using them. Also, many people prefer not depending on medication to achieve an erection.
Actually, the medical community is using exosomes therapy for treating erectile dysfunction also. Recent studies are displaying that 100% of men who receive exosome treatment see a marked improvement in their condition. Fortunately, these improvements are still present even a year after the procedure – displaying long-term improvements.
These treatments work very well when combined with a P-shot as well. Also, for women facing sexual health issues, combining exosome treatments with O-shot treatments yields impressive results. You don’t have to suffer. Tampa Rejuvenation provides the solutions allowing you to regain your sex life and confidence. Call us now for more details about the procedure.
Exosomes Therapy for Treating Wrinkles
Your skin is the largest organ in your body and it is viewed as an indicator of your overall health. Also, clear skin signals vibrancy and a young, attractive appearance. Eventually, as we age, the collagen in our skin starts breaking down. Hence, we start losing that glow and our skin wrinkles.
Actually, exosomes help in regenerating our skin’s elasticity and removing wrinkles. They carry the information required in stimulating your cells to regenerate as your skin’s appearance and texture improves. Ultimately, the result is appearing years younger and enjoying long-lasting benefits. Many of Tampa Rejuvenation’s patients experience the benefits of this procedure for at least 3 to 5 years!
Be Our Next Success Story!
Are you suffering from hair loss, wrinkled skin, poor sexual health, or erectile dysfunction? Tampa Rejuvenation is here to help. Our exosome treatments provide effective, long-lasting results and life-changing remedies.
Our main goal is serving our customers and turning back the hands of time. Call us to make your appointment today and move one step closer to a new you. Our offices are located across Tampa Bay, including clinics in North Tampa, South Tampa, Brandon, and Westchase. Don’t wait, let us help you reverse the signs of aging without extensive surgery today!